New York’s The Strategist

Click on each image to view my writing as a PDF

  • The Strategist is New York/Vox Media’s product recommendation outlet. From enthusiastic expert picks to the things celebrities can’t live without, The Strategist sources smart recommendations for even the most esoteric gifting scenarios.

  • The ‘Gift of the Day’ series is The Strategist’s effort to make holiday shopping more manageable. But who is each gift for and why will they like it? And, most importantly, what will get readers to click that email’s affiliate link?

  • For each product featured in the Strategist’s newsletter from mid-November to December 21st, composing catchy subjects, preview text, and headlines, as well as 150-200 word blurbs that established a ‘gifting persona’ and explained why a given product was the perfect fit for them.

  • Across the campaign, I drafted 23 product recommendations, collaborating closely with a senior editor at The Strategist to ensure we covered almost every conceivable type of recipient and gifting scenario. This work reached everyone who subscribes to The Strategist’s primary Sunday-to-Friday newsletter.